You Brought WHAT To The Airport?


Foolishness runs in every one of us to some degrees, and some individuals are pushing the limits of airhead-ness to the edge of insanity, or at the very least, dumbness. The all-powerful TSA has revealed a list and pictures of — stuff — that people tried to bring onto planes at several United States airports.

You would not believe some of the items caught and immediately removed from luggage. We understood long ago that having a knife on board was not necessary, not because the meat served was the melting-in-your mouth kind, but because IT IS A WEAPON.

I myself suffered immensely for not being able to bring my tweezers to France. You have no idea what a good pair of tweezers can do for you, and how hard it is to find the right one, of the perfect angle, perfect weight and shape.

Then they had to bother us with bottled water. Now that I find a bit silly, clear water in a clear bottle that they make you drink in front of them, what kind of danger can this possibly be? If you follow that vein closely, one should not be permitted to wear shoe laces, I think those can be used as deadly weapons, but water?

Almost 639 million passengers were screened in U.S. airports alone in 2013, entering with and leaving without guns of all sizes, blades and knives, a suicide vest (!), ninja stars, jagged edge cutters, one bazooka, rifles, shotguns, grenades, flare guns, maces, stalks, stun guns, pepper sprays, swords, blast equipment and more. And they are worried about water?

One man even had a loaded gun strapped to his leg. Another instance uncovered firearms hidden in a toolbox. Parts of a human skull were found in a bag in, you guessed it, Florida, but that’s like water, there’s no danger in that. Or is there?

Sidonie Sawyer

Sidonie Sawyer

First. at The Virtual World.
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